Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Holidays!!!

My Dear Bunnies:

Another year is gone. You are bigger and now you have to face new challenges. Thanks for giving me a year full of laughter, fun and especially love. I will always remember your faces in the morning and your antics, your laughter that filled my days with joy. I remember the first day of classes, your cryings, and your baby´s faces. Now, you are 4 years old and have to start another stage in your lives. I wish you the best in Pre Kinder.

With love,
Miss Patty


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Student´s Christmas Celebration.

Every year, Christmas is one of the biggest celebrations. All the children around the world can´t wait to celebrate and share with their families and friends this special day. Here at St George´s College we celebrated Christmas on Friday 7th. Our kids enjoyed a wonderful Christmas show. Santa Claus visited us and brought lot of happiness and joy to our lovely children. After the show each classroom shared a moment together eating delicious snacks, juices and more…. Our children had so much fun!!!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sports Day

This year our Sports Day was held on November 17th. All the children were excited and cheered on their respective houses. The spirit was high among the children as they could hardly wait to participate in the different activities and games.
It was a day full of happiness and fun. Children´s faces were radiant and the event was perfect to the last detail. The children were awesome and in the end each one of them proved to be a true winner. Let´s share some pictures from that wonderful day.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

La importancia de enseñar valores a nuestros niños.

De un tiempo a esta parte el tema de la "Educación en Valores" se ha vuelto pan de cada día. Muchos hablan de su importancia y trascendencia, pero... ¿Cómo educar en valores?
Primero debemos buscar recursos y materiales atractivos para los niños. Aqui un ejemplo:

Pero esto no es suficiente. Luego debemos conversar con ellos para que entiendan e interioricen el significado del valor a enseñar y finalmente, tratar de descubrir lo que los niños entendieron. Para esto hay varios métodos como las preguntas, la dramatización o los concursos. A través de este video se enseña a los niños las consecuencias que tiene la mentira.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Celebrando el Día de la Canción Criolla.

Hoy en nuestro país se celebra una fecha muy importante. El día de la Canción Criolla donde honramos nuestra cultura a través de composiciones de destacados artista de nuestr país. En St.George´s College no podíamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de celebramor con los niños de Early Years. Cada salón presento un lindo número de baile, pregón o canto, demostrando así sus diferentes habilidades artísticas. Luego de las lindas presentaciones que divirtieron a alumnos y profesores, cada salón tuvo un compartir criollo con diferentes comidas enviadas por los papis. Fue un lindo día lleno de música y deliciosas comidas.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spring Festival 2012

To finish off the Third Term, Nursery Bunnies participated in the Spring Festival, where they took part in competitions such as Representing a Song and Drawing a story. Children participated with enthusiasm and overall enjoyed it a lot. But, as every competition we had some winners. In “Representing a Song” contest we got the second place and in Drawing a Story contest Camila Reyes got the first place and María José Chiroque got the second place. Congratulations!! We also, closed the Spring Festival with a Hat Parade. Here are some pictures of the competitions and their awards.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Study Visit to Museo Naval del Perú.

On September 25th we had a wonderful trip. We visited Naval Museum in Callao. It was a great experience because we saw a lot of war ships, boats, and very old guns. We spent great moments knowing more about our past and the war between Perú and Chile. We also knew some Peruvian heroes and we saw some old military uniforms. Finally, we saw a video about our beautiful sea and their importance for everybody. It was funny and we enjoyed a lot the video puppets.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

English Tales.

To follow oue curricula, children enjoyed with the stories "The Lion and the Mouse" and "The Little Red Hen". You can enjoy with them too.



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Means of Transportation

This week, in Social Studies,  we are working on Means of Transportation. Children are enjoying a lot all the activities prepared for them. To warm up children start with this song. It will help them to reinforce their vocabulary.

Enjoy it.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

PIPO nos ayuda a aprender.

Queridos papitos:

Uno de los programas que utilizamos en las clases de Computación es el de la Serie Pipo. Aquí les presento un video para que sepan como es y puedan jugar en casa con los chicos. Esto les va a servir para reforzar algunos temas tanto en inglés como en español.

Welcome Back Bunnies!!

My Dear Bunnies:

An exciting term awaits all of us! I hope you have enjoyed your vacation period and come full of batteries to start again learning and having fun. I have prepared a lot of new activities for you.

Let´s start this new term with enthusiasm.


Miss Patty

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Old MacDonald - Farm Animals

This week in Science and English we are working on the topic about Farm Animals. Children are learning through stories, songs, puppets and a lot of different resources according their ages. One of these resources is You Tube and we are using the song Old MacDonald which help children to know more about farm animals. Now, I invite you to sing with our kids.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Cómo modificar una conducta.

Papis este es un artículo que encontré en la web. Espero que lo disfruten y les sirva.


¿Cómo modificar una conducta?
Con frecuencia, lo ansiado por los hijos que presentan este tipo de conductas no es obtener alguna cosa material, sino lograr la atención, la aprobación y el afecto de las personas más significativas. No es que tengan unos padres que no les quieren o que les rechazan, sino que necesitan que el afecto y la aprobación se les manifieste de una manera más clara y más evidente. Lo que quiere es llamar la atención, se dice. En este caso parecería lógico que, si le prestamos la atención que reclama solucionemos el problema. En cambio esta conclusión es absolutamente falsa. Al hacerlo así, lo que le estamos enseñando es que obtendrá nuestro aprecio y atención presentando una conducta indeseable.

El camino para resolver de manera eficaz el problema de modificar esa conducta de nuestro hijo que, a todas luces, le perjudica y trastorna nuestras relaciones con él, pasa por las siguientes actuaciones:

Acciones relacionadas con la conducta.
No prestes atención a la conducta indeseable, no le riñas, no hagas comentarios. Sólo en algunos casos, hazle notar lo inapropiado de la conducta de manera escueta, sin perder la calma y con un tono de voz no estridente.

En cambio presta atención a otras conductas deseables y muéstrale aprecio y consideración.

Si la conducta es peligrosa, pon fin a ella lo antes posible. Si puede hacer daño a otros, por ejemplo, será necesario separarlo y apartarlo; si el problema es que se retrasa de manera exagerada, no le permitas salir en adelante.

No cedas nunca a sus requerimientos o imposiciones a pesar de su insistencia, pero dale a entender que comprendes el sufrimiento que le produce su negativa.

No le riñas o grites en el momento en el que se está produciendo la conducta indeseable. Actuar de esa manera, será tanto como claudicar ante su presión. Además, al ponerlo en evidencia o tratarlo con gritos, aumenta su irritación y su capacidad de juicio se enturbia más, con lo que sólo conseguiremos empeorar la situación. Si la situación lo permite, distrae su atención hacia otro asunto, cambia de tema o aléjate de él.

Organiza, con la colaboración de tu hijo, un registro de conductas positivas y propón una recompensa para cuando consiga alcanzar una cierta cantidad. (En una hoja de papel más o menos elaborada, puede ir acumulando pegatinas, puntos, pintar cuadros, etc.)

Acciones relacionadas con la comprensión de la conducta.
Ayúdale a reflexionar sobre lo inconveniente de su comportamiento en otro momento, cuando tu hijo esté tranquilo y con el juicio claro. Buscad entre los dos maneras diferentes de actuar.

Ofrécele tu ayuda para mejorar la situación y el consuelo de tu comprensión.

Proponle la disyuntiva entre actuar de manera adecuada o asumir un castigo relacionado con la conducta o bien con la pérdida de un privilegio. Puedes, por ejemplo, darle a elegir entre cuidar las cosas y no estropearlas o pagar con su dinero o con su trabajo la reparación de los daños. En otra circunstancia puedes proponerle hacer sus tareas escolares aprovechando el tiempo y disfrutar luego de tiempo libre o quedarse sin tiempo libre y pasar la tarde delante de los libros.

En síntesis, se trata de proporcionarle nuevas experiencias que le enseñen otras maneras de obtener el aprecio y el reconocimiento de los demás, de ofrecerle consuelo y ayuda y entrenarle para reflexionar sobre su conducta para que aprenda a tomar decisiones más acertadas.

José María Lahoz García
Pedagogo (Orientador escolar y profesional),
Profesor de Educación Primaria y de Psicología
y Pedagogía en Secundaria

Monday, May 28, 2012

Early Childhood Education Day.

A child's most important brain development occurs before age 5. That is why Early Childhood Education plays a very important role in society as it is concerned with the education and care of children at their first stage of learning. In our school we enhance this issue and last week we celebrated The Early Childhood Education Day. We participated in two important activities: On Monday, we sang a beautiful song during the Assembly and made a big banner. On Friday we participated in a Gymkhana where the kids had a lot of fun and then, they ate a shared lunch. My Bunnies really enjoyed the day. Let´s see some pictures.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Para divertirnos en vacaciones.

Estas son algunas ideas para estos dìas que los chicos están en casa, espero que disfruten con ellos.


Collares de fideos:Se pueden usar fideos Canuto, de preferencia grandes e ir pasándolos a través de soguilla, lana o hilo grueso.

Masas:Puede ser masa de galletas o plastilina casera que se hace con: 1tz de harina, 1/2 tz de sal, agua (cantidad necesaria) y colorantes vegetales. Se mezcla todo hasta formar una masa homogénea y se echa el colorante.

Separar frejoles de diferentes colores:
(no más de 2 colores para niños de tres años)
Ponerlos en una sola vasija y pedirle al niño que los ponga en diferentes recipientes.

Pelar arvejas:
Ponerles una vasija aparte para que vayan poniendo las arvejas peladas.

Dibujar con tizas en el suelo:O en una superficie plana (puede ser una pared cubierta con papel kraft o papelógrafo) y con otros materiales como tèmperas, rociadores, etc.

Hacer trazos libres en arena (números, formas):
De preferencia en una vasija rectangular o cuadrada no muy alta, si sale mal borrar con las manos y volver a hacer.

Happy Mother´s Day!

Mother's Day is a celebration that honours mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. In our school we celebrated this important date with a performance prepared by our children. The topic for this presentation was “Disney Princesses” and our Bunnies danced a mix about “Pocahontas”. Children were so excited preparing weeks before their dance. When that special day came, they danced very well and with lots of enthusiasm. Their mums really enjoyed their performance. I´m so proud of my Bunnies.

Happy Birthday María José.

On Wednesday April 18th, we celebrated María Jose´s Birthday. Children enjoyed a pleasant moment eating cake and some snacks and candies. They sang “Happy Birthday” and gave a lot of gifts to María José. She was really excited and happy. Finally, children took home some surprises from the party.

Friedship Fieldtrip.

On Thursday April 12th, all the students from Early Years went to the Club “El Bosque” that was near to the beach. Since Monday children were so excited and anxious expecting the fieldtrip. On Thursday, we left the school at 8:30 in the morning. During the journey, children were singing songs and reciting chants that we learnt at school. When we came to the Club, children ate their lunches and went to a football court to play some motor skills games prepared by Physical Education Teachers. Then, we went to the playground where the children enjoyed a pleasant time with the games, and finally we went to a sand court to play with water guns and sand. Children got very wet but were so happy. It was a special moment to strengthen their friendship and share time between their classmates. Let´s share some pictures from our fieldtrip. Enjoy them!

Body Parts.

This week, in Science, we are learning the topic about “Body Parts”. We started this topic learning the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”. Here is the video, so you can sing at home.

We also worked in groups. We drew a picture of a boy or a girl on a big sheet of paper (using the kids as models), and the children decorated them.

Finally, we played the game “Simon Says”. The children followed the instructions in order to identify their body parts

Working in Class

Between 3 and 7, children are in their most important period to learn. Because of that, it’s so important that they start getting English as a Second Language. Everyday, children come to school expecting something new to learn. They learn the English Language through some subjects: In English, children have the opportunity to learn commands, songs, poems, chants, and vocabulary according to the topic that they are studying. They also learn through storytelling and at the end of the year they can retell stories and create their own ones. In Science, they can learn through experimenting and investigating about each topic. For example, when we are learning about plants, they plant and harvest different seeds. In Maths, they learn about numbers, shapes, and positions through games and exploration. In Social Studies, children learn about habits, good manners and behavior through stories, songs, games and teacher´s performances. Finally, in Religion, children learn prayers, songs and they have the opportunity to listen to parables and important topics about different religious believes.

My Eyes, My Nose, My Mouth, My Ears.

This week we are learning the song "My Eyes, My Nose, My Mouth, My Ears". Let´s sing together.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Can Run

This week, in English,  we started to learn the song I Can Run. Let´s see a video to help our children to learn this song.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our First Week of class.

The boys and girls from Early Years were very happy to start this year at school on March 1st.  The first week for Nursery kids were full of surprises.  The children could participate in different educational activities that were prepared especially for them.
They had the opportunity to know their classmates and teachers. They also had different classes such us Music, Computing, Drama, and Physical Education that they really enjoyed.

Welcome Bunnies

Dear Parents,
Welcome to our Nursery Bunnies class at St. George´s College. We have a very busy and exciting year in store for us!
I’m Miss Patricia Bonilla and I consider myself very fortunate to be among such a professional faculty.
I realize that teaching your child is a privilege, as well as a tremendous responsibility. I will do my best this year to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, I cannot do this alone: I need your help. We both need to be partners in the learning process. I need each of you to encourage your child at home by helping to ensure that they have completed their assignments. I will keep you informed of all assignments and subjects that are covered in class through this blog. I know with your help we are going to have a great year!